CCBA Area of Practice Listings
The CCBA offers 128 AOP listings. AOPs are an inexpensive way to advertise in the CCBA print and online membership directories. CCBA members receive up to 2 FREE AOP listings annually and additional AOP listings are available for $10 each.
Lawyer Referral Service
Joining The Lawyer Referral Service is a great way for attorneys to connect with the community and increase client base. The LRS panel is in need of lawyers who practice in all areas – civil, consumer, criminal, elder, family, immigration, personal injury, and many others. Potential clients contact the CCBA through an online form and are screened for their legal issue, location, and willingness to pay for legal counsel. NOTE: This is not a pro bono service; inclusion in the LRS means a commitment to provide a reduced consultation fee only; attorneys are free to dictate their own payment arrangements once the client agrees to representation. After screening, the potential clients are connected to a lawyer on the LRS panel with a correlating area of practice by way of an automated wheel system. Please contact the CCBA office for more information on joining the Lawyer Referral Service.